Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame

Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame

The purpose of the award is to recognize outstanding alumni of Liberty who have maintained a high standard of excellence and made a significant contribution in their fields of endeavor. These individuals must best exemplify the ideals and spirit of Liberty High School, and should serve as role models for current and future Liberty High School students.


  • Bob DiPiero, Class of 1969

  • Dave Malkoff, Class of 1995


  • Sarah Berman - Class of 1985

  • Jerry DePizzo - Class of 1997


  • Amy (Stearns) Acton – Class of 1984

  • Doug Bryson – Class of 1982

Annually, the Alumni Association will seek nominations of Liberty graduates to be considered for the Distinguished Alumni Award. Nominations will be received and reviewed by the Alumni Association subcommittee members and selection will be made .

To submit a nomination for the Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame, please click here.